Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Arch 1142- Workshop 3 (poster)

Montage it! Poster
From this workshop, I gain more knowledge in photo editing. I knew a little bit about editing but from this workshop I gain more knowledge about photo editing. I learnt some tools in photoshop that I never knew before. Moreover, I also learnt about layering and how to obtain some brushes that are not in photoshop program. Additionally, through this workshop, I also improved my skills in the photoshop tools that I am quite familiar. Hence, it can be said that this learning can be very useful in my other architectural courses. 

Arch 1142- Workshop 3 (final photomontages)

The final photomontages for submission:

Atmosphoric photomontage
In this montage, the model was used as an object located in the middle of park or field where people can view or see the object. The object was edited from colour to black and white to suit the background image. Moreover, I download some photoshop brushes such as people, clouds and birds to give better effect in my montage. Additionally, I also did some adjustment for the brightness, contrast, and other adjustments.

Day time photomontage
In this montage, the model was used as a building where people come to visit it. I put real people for this montage because of the colour background. I cropped the people from other images that I have in my computers. I also add some clouds and birds to gain better effect on the background. Moreover, I also download some bushes photoshop brushes to help the editing between the ground and the model.
Additionally, I also adjust the brightness, contrast, level and other adjustments.

Arch 1142- Workshop 3 (flipbooks)

These are my flipbooks:

arch 1142- workshop 3 (photomontage)

Some photomontage experimentation:

This was the first time I did photomontage hence, the results of the montages were not that good.

Among the photomontages above, the chosen one is:

Arch 1142- Workshop 3 (model)

My Model and Concept:

I used Eduardo Chillida's Cubico and Mount Tindaya as the concept of my model. However, I also combine some of my own ideas with the concept into my model.

My model:

Arch 1142- Workshop 2 (poster)

Through this workshop, I have improved my drawing skills and learnt new rendering skills. Based on some consultation with tutors, I learnt quite a number of skills of rendering that help me to finalized this drawings. For this particular workshop, I used black and white rendering. It is because I personally prefer to use this type of rendering and moreover, I found that this was the easiest rendering compare to other type of rendering. Futhermore, I am not very good at mixing colours. Hence, as safety measure, I chose this black and white rendering. Moreover, from this workshop, I also learnt to use different type of pen thicknesses and how to use them accordingly. Hence, it can be said that these few techniques are very useful for other architectural courses.

Arch 1142- Workshop 2 (Final Submission)

Rose Seidler House

Drawings with Rendering:

Arch 1142- Workshop 2 (drawing)

Rose Seidler House


Arch 1142- Workshop 1 Poster

Reflection from workshop 1:
Through this workshop, I have improved my model-making skill. This model-making skill can then be applied in other courses. During the duration of this workshop, my tutors have teach me quite a number of model-making skill that I did not know. Moreover, this exercises also allow me to observe other students model-making skills which can also be part of learning. From this observation, it help me to improve my model-making skill.

Arch 1142- Workshop 1 (week 3-take home exercises)

Fisher House by Louis Kahn

Arch 1142- Workshop 1 (week 3-in class exercises)

Fisher House by Louis Kahn

Detail Model of the window seat @ scale 1:50

Arch 1142- Workshop 1 (week 2- take home exercises)

Fisher House by Louis Kahn-Site Model Exercises

Arch 1142- Workshop 1 (week 2-in class exercises)

Arch 1142- Workshop 1 (week 1- take home exercises)

Barcelona Pavilion by Mies Van Der Rohe

Barcelona Pavilion 

Barcelona Pavilion Plan

Barcelona Pavilion model:

Arch 1142- Workshop 1 (week 1-in class exercises)